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No purchase is necessary to enter or win.

A purchase will not improve your chances of winning.

This compet­i­­­­tion by Loop Cashmere (the “compet­i­­­­tion”) is governed exclus­ively by the laws of England. Void where prohib­ited by law. 

1. Dates of Compet­i­­­­tion: The Compet­i­­­­tion begins on Thursday, February 27, 2025 at 08:00pm GMT to Sunday, March 2, 2025 at 23:59 pm (GMT) (the “Compet­i­­­­tion Period”).

3. Eligib­il­ity: The Compet­i­­­­tion is open to users of Instagram, regard­­­­less of their place of resid­ence, who have reached the age of major­ity in their own state are 18 years of age or older as of the date of entry. Officers, direct­ors, and employ­ees of Loop Cashmere., or its affil­­­­i­ates, and related compan­ies, and the imme­di­ate family members (parents, chil­dren, siblings, spouse) or members of the same house­­­­hold (whether related or not) of such officers, direct­ors, and employ­ees are not eligible to parti­­­­cip­ate in the Compet­i­­­­tion (the “Entrant”). The Compet­i­­­­tion is subject to all applic­­­­able English laws and regu­la­­­­tions and is void where prohib­ited.  

4. Agree­­­­ment to Rules: By parti­­­­cip­at­ing in the Compet­i­­­­tion, you, the Entrant, fully and uncon­­­­di­­­­tion­ally agree to be bound by these Offi­­­­cial Rules, which will be final and bind­ing in all matters relat­ing to the Compet­i­­­­tion. By parti­­­­cip­at­ing in the Compet­i­­­­tion, you, the Entrant, fully and uncon­­­­di­­­­tion­ally agree that your content is used by Loop Cashmere on its offi­­­­cial website and on all known or unknown media, includ­ing the inter­­­­net and social networks without further consent or compens­a­­­­tion unless prohib­ited by law.

5. How to enter: 

During the Compet­i­­­­tion Period, parti­­­­cip­a­­­­tion consists of signing up to our newsletter form located on this page:

6.Prize: The prize consists of 1 or our Cropped Cashmere Sweatshirt in one of the following colours : Cherry Pink, Jetstream Blue, Hot Coral, Klein Blue, Midnight Blue, Natural White, Toffee, Washed Blue, Quarry Grey, Mint Green, Peachy or Lilac Bonbon (Upon availability of size on our own website and only that store, at the time of the winner announcement; if the size of choice is not available on our website in the colour of choice at the time when we announce the winner, the winner may be asked to pick a different colour form our website, that has their size of choice available.

Competition closes midnight 2nd March, 2025.

The prize is awar­ded “as is” with no warranty or guar­an­tee, either express or implied. The right to receive the prize is not trans­fer­­­­­­­able, and no substi­tu­­­­tions or cash equi­val­ents are permit­ted except at Loop Cashmere’s sole discre­­­­tion or as other­­­­­­­wise provided herein. Loop Cashmere reserves the right, in its sole discre­­­­tion, to award a prize of equal or greater value if the advert­­­­ised prize is unavail­­­­able. Loop Cashmere will not replace the prize if it is lost or stolen. Any and all prize-related expenses, includ­ing without limit­a­­­­tion any and all federal, state, and local taxes, shall be the sole respon­s­ib­il­ity of the winner. By accept­ing the prize, the Winner grants its permis­­­­sion for Loop Cashmere to use the winner’s name, Instagram pseud­onym and city and state for purposes of advert­­­­ising and trade without further consent or compens­a­­­­tion, unless prohib­ited by law.

7. Winner selec­­­­tion and noti­fic­a­­­­tion:

Winner selec­­­­tion and noti­fic­a­­­­tion: One (1) winner will be selec­ted via a draw from all the eligible entries received on Loop Cashmere’s Klaviyo account during the time of the competition.

The poten­­­­tial winner will be noti­fied via Instagram private message within three (3) work­ing days of their selec­­­­tion. In order to receive the prize, the poten­­­­tial winner must return by Instagram private message its email address to set the deliv­ery condi­­­­tions of the prize. If the poten­­­­tial winner fails to timely give its email address or is found to be, in Loop Cashmere’s sole discre­­­­tion, ineligible or in viol­­­­a­­­­tion of these Offi­­­­cial Rules, such poten­­­­tial winner and his/her entry will be disqual­i­fied, and an altern­­­­ate winner will be selec­ted from all remain­ing eligible entries. The prize will be sent to the winner, once offi­­­­cial, within four (4) weeks of receipt by Loop Cashmere of the completed personal contact details. The receipt of the prize offered in this Compet­i­­­­tion by the winner is condi­­­­tional upon compli­ance with any and all federal and state laws and regu­la­­­­tions.

8. General Terms: Decisions made by Loop Cashmere are final in all matters, includ­ing inter­­­­­­­pret­a­­­­tion of these Offi­­­­cial Rules and award­ing of the prize. Entrants assume all risk of loss, damage, destruc­­­­tion, delay, or misdir­ec­­­­tion of Compet­i­­­­tion mater­­­­i­als submit­ted to Loop Cashmere. Loop Cashmere reserves the right, at its sole discre­­­­tion, to cancel, termin­ate, modify, or suspend the Compet­i­­­­tion, or any part of it, if any virus, bugs, other tech­n­ical fail­ures, non-author­­­­ized human inter­­­­ven­­­­tion, fraud, or any other causes beyond Loop Cashmere’s control impair the admin­is­tra­­­­tion, secur­ity, integ­rity, or proper func­­­­tion­ing of the Compet­i­­­­tion, as determ­ined by Loop Cashmere in its sole discre­­­­tion. Loop Cashmere in its sole discre­­­­tion reserves the right to disqual­ify any Entrant it finds to be tamper­­­­ing with or attempt­ing to tamper with the entry process or the oper­­­­a­­­­tion of the Compet­i­­­­tion or to be acting in viol­­­­a­­­­tion of these Offi­­­­cial Rules. Any attempt by an Entrant to delib­er­­­­ately damage or under­­­­mine the legit­­­­im­ate oper­­­­a­­­­tion of the Compet­i­­­­tion may be a viol­­­­a­­­­tion of crim­inal and civil laws, and, should such an attempt be made, Loop Cashmere reserves the right to seek damages from any the Entrant to the fullest extent permit­ted by law. Loop Cashmere’s fail­ure to enforce any term of these Offi­­­­cial Rules shall not consti­­­­tute a waiver of that term.

By parti­­­­cip­at­ing in the Compet­i­­­­tion, you, the Entrant, fully and uncon­­­­di­­­­tion­ally agree to respect all the terms of use of the Instagram applic­a­­­­tion and website avail­­­­able on

9. Release: By parti­­­­cip­at­ing in the Compet­i­­­­tion, you agree to release from liab­il­ity and hold harm­­­­less Loop Cashmere and its parent company, affil­­­­i­ates, and related compan­ies, and each of their respect­ive officers, direct­ors, and employ­ees and agents (collect­ively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, includ­ing, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of prop­erty, arising out of parti­­­­cip­a­­­­tion in the Compet­i­­­­tion or the receipt or use or misuse of any prize.

10. Limit­a­­­­tion of Liab­il­ity: Loop Cashmere is not respon­s­ible for: (1) any incor­rect or inac­­­­cur­ate inform­a­­­­tion, whether caused by Entrant, print­ing errors, or any of the equip­­­­ment or program­ming asso­­­­ci­ated with or util­­­­ized in the Compet­i­­­­tion; (2) tech­n­ical fail­ures of any kind, includ­ing, but not limited to, malfun­­­c­­­­tions, delays, inter­­­­rup­­­­tions, or discon­­­­nec­­­­tions in phone lines or network hard­ware or soft­ware; (3) tech­n­ical or human error which may occur in the admin­is­tra­­­­tion of the Compet­i­­­­tion or the processing of entries; (4) late, lost, undeliv­er­­­­­­­able, damaged, stolen, misdir­ec­ted, or post­age-due entries; or (5) any injury or damage to persons or prop­erty which may be caused, directly or indir­ectly, in whole or in part, by Entrant’s parti­­­­cip­a­­­­tion in the Compet­i­­­­tion or receipt or use or misuse of any prize.

11. Disputes: This Compet­i­­­­tion is governed by the laws of England without respect to conflict of law doctrines. As a condi­­­­tion of parti­­­­cip­at­ing in this Compet­i­­­­tion, Entrant agrees that any and all causes of action arising out of or connec­ted with this Compet­i­­­­tion shall be resolved indi­vidu­ally, without resort to any form of class action, exclus­ively before a court located in England. Further, under no circum­stances will Entrant be permit­ted to obtain awards for, and Entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, punit­ive, incid­ental, or consequen­­­­tial damages, includ­ing reas­on­­­­able attor­neys’ fees, other than Entrant’s actual out-of-pocket expenses, and Entrant further waives all rights to have damages multi­plied or increased.

12. Privacy Policy: Inform­a­­­­tion submit­ted with an online entry is subject to the Privacy Policy stated on Loop Cashmere Site.